Press Releases
DAQP-12 PCMCIA Data Acquisition Adaptor
The DAQP-12 is a PCMCIA Type II data acquisition adapter with eight differential or 16 single-ended analog input channels with sampling rates of up to 100 kHz. Gain ranges from ▒0.625V to ▒5V are software programmable individually for each channel. It also provides four digital inputs and four digital outputs. The DAQP-12 is supplied with DaqEZ Windows application software which provides real-time data display and datalogging to disk. Also supplied are software drivers for programming languages such as Microsoft C/C++, Borland C/C++, Quick Basic, and Turbo Pascal. A DLL is also provided for Windows programmers. An optional Visual Basic Controls (VBX) is also available for only $195.
Priced at $595.
For more information on this new product, contact OMEGA Engineering,
Inc.; or use our OMEGAfaxSM service to request Document #6373 by calling
1-800-848-4271 from any Touch-Tone phone.
For more information on this new product, contact OMEGA Engineering,